# One of the flood sensors is wet - send message - name: flood_wet platform: smtp server: port: 587 timeout: 15 sender: !secret gsen encryption: starttls username: !secret gun password: !secret gpw recipient: - !secret grec1 sender_name: Water_alert # tom is moving - write file - name: tom_moving platform: file timestamp: True # filename: /home/tomup.txt filename: hafiles/data/tomup.txt # coffee is cooking - write file - name: coffee_cooking platform: file timestamp: True filename: hafiles/data/coffee.txt # tom isn't moving - send message - name: no_move platform: smtp server: port: 587 timeout: 15 sender: !secret gsen encryption: starttls username: !secret gun password: !secret gpw recipient: - !secret grec1 sender_name: Tom_wakeup_check # power is off - send message - name: power_off platform: smtp server: port: 587 timeout: 15 sender: !secret gsen encryption: starttls username: !secret gun password: !secret gpw recipient: - !secret grec1 sender_name: Power_alert # movement at door motion sensor # door is moving - write file - name: door_entry platform: file timestamp: True filename: hafiles/data/door_entry.txt # someone walked in turn on when traveling - name: walk_in platform: smtp server: port: 587 timeout: 15 sender: !secret gsen encryption: starttls username: !secret gun password: !secret gpw recipient: - !secret grec1 sender_name: Walk_in